Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So... it´s been awhile, but I have been doing exciting things!

Two Tuesdays ago, Me, Kelly, and a group of girls from Mizzou had dinner with Spainish men at their apartment. They made us little pizzas with hotdogs (they called them sausages), tuna, bacon, and cheese. The pizzas were interesting. It was a fun time. Their apartment was even nicer than our senoras. It was a Spanish looking apartment (complete with roof top terrace) but with dirty college boys living in it. hahahah.

That week Kelly´s friend Brendan had some friends visit from London and we hung out with them a lot. We went to Cadiz one day during the weekend but it was an epic fail. It wasn´t hot, there was no one on the beach, and there was sandstorm that killed my ankles. ouch! I wore my Lucky pink, bedazzled cowboy boots to the beach. That was a bad idea. I am referred to as a gypsy. hahahah.

Last Monday (we had off of school because it was a Spanish holiday, Adulucian independence) we met 4 Italian boys while dining one afternoon and made plans with them to go to La Carbonería (a really authentic flamenco bar) later that night. It was a good show! They were really funny and spoke funny broken english. We taught them to say "Let´s peace out, bitches" hahahahha. All my idea. Of course.

I think this weekend we´re going to Gibraltar to play with the monkeys. That will be fun. Next weekend or something we´re going to Barcelona! Waho.

In other computer doesn´t work. And we saw a chipmunk in a pet store.

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